MISSION STATEMENT: We the Catholic faithful of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish of Peckville in the Diocese of Scranton comprise a united and worshiping Community of Faith dedicated to evangelizing and ministering to both our own members and our neighboring communities in the servant image of Jesus Christ, the great High Priest.  This evangelization and ministry includes corporal and spiritual works of mercy and is rooted in the sacraments, especially Reconciliation, the Eucharist, the word of God, and the rich tradition of the Roman Catholic Church under the leadership of our Pastor and the Diocesan Bishop in union with our Holy Father, the Pope. 

Mass Times

Weekend Mass Schedule
Saturday - 4pm
Sunday - 8am and 10am

++ New Weekday Mass Schedule ++
Monday - No Mass
Tuesday - 12:10 pm
Wednesday - 7:00 am
Thursday - 12:10 pm
Friday - 7:00 am

Holy Day Mass Schedule - Please see weekly bulletin or call the rectory for more information.

If you are traveling and need to locate a Church to attend Mass, go to www.masstimes.org where you will find a user-friendly online directory of Churches and its Mass schedules.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 3:00 p.m.
(Other times by appointment)

Eucharistic Adoration

Parish Devotion
First Friday of each month
Beginning after the 7:00 am Mass: 7:30 am - 12:00 p.m. in the church

Parish Office Hours

Monday thru Friday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.


1101 Willow Street
Peckville, PA 18452

Phone: 570-383-3244
Fax: 570-383-8697

Email: shjoffice@shjpeck.org

Website: www.sacredheartpeckville.org

Facebook: www.facebook.com/shjpeckville





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