Faith Formation



Parents are the first and most influential teachers of their children in the ways of faith.  If children are to find the way to God, parents must point them in the right direction.  The goal of our Faith Formation Program is to work with you to ensure your child will receive the education he/she needs to lead a fulfilling Catholic life. Our Faith Formation classes provide instruction and growth in the faith for our public school students at all grade levels including high school.  We ask all parents for their fullest cooperation as we strive to support your own formation efforts at home.

Director of Faith Formation: Mrs. Gayle Castellani                 
Faith Formation Assistant: Mrs. Betsy Kondrat

Faith Formation Office: 570-383-2777

Faith Formation News: The most up-to-date information is published in the weekly church bulletin or by contacting Gayle Castellani.


Sacramental Preparation
Diocesan guidelines require all students to receive two full years of instruction prior to receiving a Sacrament.  The Faith Formation Program at Sacred Heart of Jesus integrates the two year preparation for the Sacraments of Penance, Holy Eucharist, and Confirmation into our program at the appropriate times.  Students are expected to return to their religious studies after receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation.  This also is the policy at Queen Of Angels Parish with whom we are in partnership.


Class Times: Classes take place in the Parish Center classrooms

Grades 1-4: Sundays from 9:00am to 9:50am 
Grades 5-8: Sundays from 11:00am to 12:00pm 
Grades 9-12: Sundays from 11:00am to 12:00pm 

Sacred Heart of Jesus Catechists:
Your child’s safety is always a priority.  All Catechists and Volunteers of our program must have a State Police Clearance, a Child Abuse Clearance, and attend the VIRTUS: Protecting God’s Children program.  This training session focuses on specific ways to make and maintain a safe environment for all children.  Our teachers also have the opportunity to attend enrichment/training classes offered by the Diocesan Pastoral Formation Institute throughout the year.

Catechists for 2017-2018

Grade 1: Laura Ferraro

Grade 2: Mrs. Elise Gilroy, Mrs. Kim Laboranti

Grade 3: Mrs. Andrea Kempa, Miss Emily Kempa

Grade 4: Mr. Jack Gilroy

Grade 5: Mrs. Betsy Kondrat

Grade 6: Mrs. Christine Griffin

Grade 7: Mrs. Maria Kishel, Mr. Jack Ehnot

Grade 8: Mrs. Donna Fazio, Mrs. Wendy Rought

Grade 9-12: 

Faith Formation Registration Forms:
You will be asked to update your child’s registration form on a yearly basis. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated to ensure accurate parish records.  If you have a change of address or phone number during the school year, please inform us immediately.  In the event of an emergency, we need the most up-to-date information. Click here to download the registration form.

Baptism Records:
If your child was not baptized at Sacred Heart parish, you will be asked to provide a copy of his/her baptismal record when preparing for Penance, First Holy Communion, and/or Confirmation.

Mass Attendance:
Students are reminded of their obligation to attend Mass each week.  Mass schedule is as follows:
Saturday 4:00 p.m.; Sunday 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.

Punctuality-Arrival and Dismissal:
Please have your child arrive on time for class.  A written note will be necessary if your child will be picked up by someone other than the person stated on his/her registration form.

Diocesan Guidelines for Faith Formation mandates a minimum of 30 hrs of instruction per year.  If your child misses class, you will be asked to complete an absentee form.  Missed assignments will be assigned for homework. If you have any difficulty with the material, please contact the Faith Formation office at 570-383-2777 for assistance.

Inclement Weather:
In the event of inclement weather, call the Faith Formation office at 570-383-2777 before leaving home.  If classes must be canceled, a message will be left on the answering machine by 7:30 a.m. Our first session of classes begin at 9:00. Therefore, the decision to cancel classes is based on early morning weather conditions.  If the first session of classes is canceled, BOTH SESSIONS (Grades 1-4 and Grades 5-High School) ARE CANCELED.

Discipline Policy:
Fr. Andrew, the Director and Assistant, all Catechists, visitors, and fellow students are to be treated with respect at all times.  Inappropriate behavior of any kind will not be tolerated.  Modest dress is required for all classes, Mass, and Faith Formation functions.  Catechists will establish ground rules for each classroom so students know what is expected of them.